The Best Breakfast Shake Ever!

I have a major issue with food at the moment, so to beat that I decided to try different breakfast shakes and try different styles of protein to see what works for me to keep me at a good weight and help me to sustain muscle when I am unwell.

I have numerous variations of my breakfast shakes but found that one works a ton better than any other and that is my chocolate, banana and peanut butter shake! Oh my god it tastes like a dream if mixed properly. I use an actiblend and its brilliant for this purpose.

The Ingredients

250ml Whole Milk

3 Heaped Tablespoons of Full Nautural Yoghurt

1 Heaped Teaspoon of Peanut Butter (any kind)

2 Scoops of SlimFast Chunky Chocolate Powder

2 Bananas

2 Wheatabix

The Method

Blend it all up and drink it! It’s packed full of good stuff and vitamins so great to help you sustain through the morning, I tend to drink about 3 of these a day at the moment along with means and have gained weight and defined my body a bit more.

About PeeWeeToms

So what's the story? Well in 2015 I was diagnosed with a Sarcomatoid Carcinoma. To say the least it was aweful, I have managed to get through three years now with it coming back with vengance 4 times. On the 29th December 2017 I found it had likely spread. This is my dialogue with myself.

View all posts by PeeWeeToms

2 Comments on “The Best Breakfast Shake Ever!”

  1. Good luck! I’m currently fighting brain cancer and am juicing in conjunction with chemo. I’ve shrunk my tumour by 3/4. I’m currently two months past my predicted life expectancy. It’s early days yet but I know i can win. Hope you keep fighting and that tough find something that works for you.

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