My Emotions & Cancer – The Video

I made this video to try explain the raw emotion and pain of everything I am going through around ten minutes before the hospital contacted me.

I hope as always My Cancer Journey is of use to people. I am looking at the moment at how I can compile information in the best way to help others.

A blog is not always the best format for people to search and find answers, I will be including a lot in the blog in the next week or so, so watch this space.

Here’s The Video 🙂

About PeeWeeToms

So what's the story? Well in 2015 I was diagnosed with a Sarcomatoid Carcinoma. To say the least it was aweful, I have managed to get through three years now with it coming back with vengance 4 times. On the 29th December 2017 I found it had likely spread. This is my dialogue with myself.

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