My Top 5 Ways To Get Support With Cancer

Below is a video on how you can get support with Cancer, I know it’s not easy to deal with and love helping others make sense of it all.

1. Family & Friends

Family and friends will always be there to help if you have them and they are always on your side, I know mine have been awesome!

2. Helplines

Helplines my seem simple, but when you are mega down they can offer you so much!

3. Discussion Boards

They are a wealth of knowledge and helped me load! Get on them!

4. Doctors

Doctors can give you info on your diagnosis! Not just that they can help with everything from after care and counseling.

5. Yourself

Support yourself and your well being!

Watch the video below to find out more in-depth my view on this.


About PeeWeeToms

So what's the story? Well in 2015 I was diagnosed with a Sarcomatoid Carcinoma. To say the least it was aweful, I have managed to get through three years now with it coming back with vengance 4 times. On the 29th December 2017 I found it had likely spread. This is my dialogue with myself.

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