So, I updated my Vlog and have just uploaded the surgery day videos and my silliness before and sadness after. This won’t be available till 11am but it’s uploaded.
I have changed the way I want to do my Vlog now, I will be having fun but will change to my journey to find answers and a cure for this, or just how to help others who don’t have answers as I have been severely let down through the process.
I can’t allow this to happen to others, it’s horrific, I have not seen enough people to know how to do stuff and because I put on a brave face my symptoms get ignored.
When your world is at an end just stop, think and take in the beauty of the madness.
Watch as it crashes and burns. Inevitably we crash, we burn but this is how we learn.
Move on, move forward, don’t try because to try means that you may not succeed.
Push all the boundaries, stay awake all night, sit and watch the stars, dance in the rain and do something that changes you each day.
Don’t follow others because they lead you astray but most of all be proud of yourself for seeing through each and every day.
– Me!